Welcome to the Mpowered Website.

BEE management systems

Preferential procurement automation

BEE Scorecard database

Happy Clients

"The MBS systems have added considerable value to our business, in tracking and measuring our B-BBEE compliance. It has incredible supplier management capabilities, and readily highlights areas for improvement through the use of scenario planning. The team at MBS are also a joy to work with!"

-Jacques Hollands, Commercial Director, Integration Services - IMPERIAL Logistics

"ALC has been using the Mpowered Beetoolkit for the past 3 years and found it to be an extremely useful tool in our endeavours to achieve the highest possible rating. The Team at Mpowered has been great. They ensure excellent availability of the system, and support where necessary. The Beetoolkit is being developed continuously, taking into consideration customer requests as well as the changing legislative environment. This ensures complete customer satisfaction, and that our self-assessment is always up to date. Well done and thank you to the Team at Mpowered for a pleasurable experience."

-Francois Barnard, Chief Executive, ALC Group

"The Beetoolkit is an easy to use tool for measuring your B-BBEE Scorecard. Divisional scorecards are updated and monitored monthly, and consolidated at a group level. Updating the scorecards on a monthly basis makes the annual audit a non-event. The toolkit assists management to put plans in place throughout the year in order to meet our required B-BBEE target level."

-Louise Groves, BAAN Finance Consultant, DCD

"The Mpowered system has served as an eye-opening tool that has enabled our employees and Management to not only monitor our results monthly, but to plan for the future."

-Sheldon Mayet, Enterprise Development Manager, Murray & Roberts Construction

If you are serious about BEE as a strategic part of your business, making use of the Beetoolkit is hugely advantageous in achieving this result. The HR department was tasked with taking over the management of the BEE scorecard, and it was almost impossible to calculate the points accurately against targets. Utilizing the Toolkit we can now monitor the targets on a monthly and detailed basis and adjust accordingly. This has enabled the Company to improve from a Level 7 Contributor in 2009 to a Level 4 Contributor in 2012. This would not have been possible without the use of the toolkit and the Supplier Management System. The systems have enabled us to track our BBBEE score accurately with a click of a button at any time.

-Julie-Anne Stewart, HR Executive & Peculia Malevu & Training Specialist Hall Longmore

Scorecards tracked on toolkit:


Scorecards in our Database:


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